Friday, October 19, 2007


Growing up is a process of discovery and it often begins with the unlikeliest of things...

I had always thought in my mind that everything would seem smaller as I grew bigger.
Things like clubbing and all the what-nots.
They all seem less important as I grew.
Growing up had blown the world into an unmanageable size instead....

Everything familiar around me had collapsed and I was afraid.
I found myself lost, lost and smaller than I ever was.
I had struggled to stay afloat through this torrent of ideas, and things, and people.
But there were too many directions and too many possibilities.
I was trying too hard and it left me hurting and disconsolate.
There was nothing to grasp ad no light to look to.
Just an insurmountable mess ahead of me.

Well the years have passed and I kinda grew weary trying to work things out.
The colours were now dimmed but the gloom had gradually dissipated as well.
With time, I had lost my worries and subconsciously learnt to be happy again.
I found joy in lesser, seemingly inconsequential things like
Just walking with Clement to the bus stop with the breeze pressing up against our skin.

It was then I realised I had grown again.

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